Allergies Asthma

What Is The Link Between Allergies and Asthma?

Allergies and asthma both have their roots in the substances that trigger their attacks; mainly: allergens, toxins, and particulates that cause allergic reactions and suppress the immune system.

Is There a Link Between Allergies Asthma and Cold Flu - Asthma Doctor - Family Allergy Clinic

Is There a Link Between Allergies, Asthma, and Cold/Flu?

Yes, cold and flu is also closely related to allergies and asthma and are usually caused by a combination of airborne particles (including viruses) that suppress immune function, cause/increase inflammation and simply make you feel awful (sneezy, coughing, and other symptoms).

Allergic Asthma Versus Non-Allergic Asthma

Non-allergic asthma is the most commonly known form of asthma that is hereditary (you are born with it) or acquired. The symptoms are constant and not solely brought-on by allergens and an allergic reaction to air toxins.

Allergic Asthma is asthma that’s symptoms are only brought-on by allergic reactions and allergies. When your allergies get really bad you will have trouble breathing and may have a wheezing, dry cough. Allergic asthma was often called “hay fever” in the past, and modern medicine now recognizes hay fever as one of the many causes of both asthma and allergies.

Asthma Doctor in Mesa Arizona - Family Allergy Clinic and Wellness Center

Should I see an Asthma Specialist or Allergy Specialist if I Have Both Allergies and Asthma?

A good, qualified allergy specialist will know and understand the connection between allergies and asthma. At the Family Allergy Clinic, we understand this connection and it helps us to bring allergy and asthma relief to our adult and pediatric allergy clients. Our treatments attack the symptoms at their roots and relieve the intensity of allergy and asthma attacks.

Allergies and Suppressed Immune System

Allergies and asthma symptoms increase inflammation and suppress immune response. Many with undiagnosed chronic illnesses can finally trace their symptoms back to something as simple as allergens that keep them sick all the time. Your general physician may tell you there is nothing wrong with you, even though you feel sick all the time. Quite often, allergists find that the root cause is allergies, hay fever, and asthma at the source of the problem.

Inflammation Is Behind The Symptoms of Hay Fever Allergies and Asthma - FACWC

Inflammation Is Behind The Symptoms of Hay Fever, Allergies, and Asthma

Modern medicine is now finding that inflammation of the cells, tissues, and organs of the human body is behind many of the aches, pains, mucous, and other unpleasant symptoms of sickness.

Symptoms of Inflammation Include:

    • Fatigue
    • Pain
    • Diarrhea
    • Weight Gain
    • Weight Loss
    • Anxiety
    • Swelling
    • Achy Joins
    • Digestive & Gastrointestinal Upset
    • Skin Rash
    • Headaches
    • Mental Fogginess
    • Trouble Concentrating
    • And More…

Long Term Risks of Chronic Inflammation

Having your cells, tissues and organs constantly inflamed is not a good way to live, and causes even more long-term damage that can later manifest itself in diseases such as:

  • Cardiovascular and Heart Disease
  • Cancer
  • Alzheimer’s Disease
  • Obesity
  • Diabetes
  • And More…

Exercise Induced Asthma Doctor in Phoenix Mesa Arizona - Family Allergy Clinic and Wellness Center

How Do Allergists Treat Asthma and Allergies?

If your Asthma-Allergy Clinic finds that your asthma is caused by allergies and inflammation, they will simply need to treat the allergies and the symptoms of the asthma will go away with those of the allergies after treatment. Allergist may suggest allergy shots or an alternative treatment you drop underneath your tongue.

Allergy Shots and Allergy Sublingual Drops in Mesa Arizona

What Are Allergy Shots?

Allergy shots are injections that introduce allergens into the body at an increased rate. This “overload” causes a hypo-sensitization to the allergens and the body changes its response to environmental allergens. This makes seasonal allergies and allergic reactions from being outside much more tolerable and the symptoms less intense.

What Are Allergy Drops?

Allergy drops are just like the shots, except the come as a sublingual drop (you drop it underneath your tongue and swallow). These are much more pleasurable to ingest than the experience with shots, and may be a plausible alternative for kids with allergies and those with qualifying allergy and asthma cases.

Pediatric Asthma Allergy Doctor in Mesa Arizona - Family Allergy Clinic

Allergy Doctor In Mesa Arizona That Treats Asthma and Hay Fever

At Family Allergy Clinic and Wellness Center, we strive to bring you true relief from ALL of your symptoms, whether the root cause is hay fever, allergies, asthma, or underlying illnesses (such as diabetes, substance abuse, nutritional deficiencies and others).

Our team of doctors and nurses are experts in allergies and a wide variety of other health services. Find out the root cause of your chronic illness, allergies, and/or asthma today.

Family Allergy Clinic Mesa Arizona CTA 1



Asthma medications are costly with pills and inhalers that can range from $300 to $1,200 a month. But in spite of their high price, these medications don’t solve the asthma problem. They merely treat the symptoms and are often only partially effective at that. Furthermore, asthma medications can have harmful side effects such as tremors, dizziness, nervousness and steroid-related effects.

Fortunately, though, there is hope beyond medications for asthma sufferers. Since the majority of asthma has its root in allergy, proper allergy treatment can often control or eliminate the lung disease. Allergy treatment can be achieved through immunotherapy wherein the body is exposed to gradually increasing amounts of the most common allergens (i.e. pollens, pet dander, etc.) until it learns to tolerate them comfortably. Extracts of the allergens are mixed into a saline solution and administered through allergy shots or, more conveniently, through under-the-tongue allergy drops.

To get started with allergy drops at the Family Allergy Clinic, call 480-827-9945.